Costs Associated With Cervical Spine Surgery

Most people with cervical spine conditions can be treated non-surgically. However, sometimes surgery is necessary to get relief from symptoms. Below, we'll explore some basics about cervical spine surgery, as well as what to expect in terms of costs and insurance coverage.

Cervical Spine Conditions

Cervical spine conditions are spine problems that occur in the neck. Such conditions often affect either the spinal discs or the vertebrae, and cause symptoms by pressing against the nerve roots or the spinal cord. Common symptoms include pain, muscle weakness, or numbness in the neck, back, pelvis, arms, or legs.

Who Needs Surgery?

Surgery is used to treat cervical spine conditions which are severe or progressive. Because the nerves in the neck go to all parts of the body, severe cervical spine conditions have the potential to cause severe issues like paralysis in rare cases. If you're experiencing progressive or severe symptoms, your doctor may recommend surgery as the first course of treatment.

In addition, surgery is sometimes used as a treatment after other treatment methods have failed. For example, if you have tried physical therapy, medication, and other non-surgical treatments to no avail, surgery may be recommended.

Costs & Insurance Coverage

Like all surgery, the cost of cervical spine surgery is relatively high, thanks to the high cost of medical supplies and medication, and the number of people needed to perform the surgery.

Fortunately, insurance will cover cervical spine surgery as long as the procedure is approved by the FDA and deemed to be medically necessary. Because of this, the exact cost of surgery will depend on the terms of your insurance coverage. You can contact your insurance company for more information about how your surgery will be covered.

If you don't have insurance, it's a good idea to get health insurance before seeking surgery for your cervical spine condition. The health care exchanges are now up, and many people qualify for subsidies. In addition, insurance companies can no longer deny coverage for pre-existing conditions.

To schedule a consultation about whether cervical spine surgery is right for you, please click below and enter your information or call the Back Surgery & Pain Center at (212) 430-0312.

For More Information

Contact Info
Berkeley Heights
261 Springfield Ave
Suite 101
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
813 Allerton Ave
Bronx, NY 10467
Dobbs Ferry
20 Beacon Hill Drive
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
303 5th Ave
Suite 205
New York, NY 10016
203 Wickham Avenue
Middletown, NY 10940
729 Pelham Pkwy North
Bronx, NY 10467
289 Market Street
Saddlebrook, NJ 07663